I was visiting Anna's lovely blog while having my morning coffee. Her post title said "sewing mends." I had to comment on this because i do so relate to that. After breakfast, i was doing some hand stitching, finishing some new Matryoshkas and i thought to myself how good, how relaxing this moment brought me. I love using my sewing machine, but the handstitching is ( i think ) more therapeutic.I tend to lose myself in my own little world and nothing else seem to exist, except for the stillness, the silence inside my home. I love being by myself.

Do not forget to visit Anna, she has such a lovely blog and make the most beautiful tapes and other lovely things with.fabric ♥
Happy thursday to all my lovelies ♥
6 commentaires:
she does have a great blog- i just read her recent post. i agree-it is therapeutic.if i can't be sewing i'm definitely using my knitting needles or crochet hooks :)
oops-i meant to mention how cute your matryoshkas are!
i love their 'clothes'~all so nicely done :)
you have great talent and I love your dolls!
Thanks for sharing :)have a lovely weekend ♥
je suis comme toi : la couture machine c'est efficace, parfait pour les vêtements, mais j'aime tellement rêvasser en alignant les petits points à la main, quand je fais mes poupées. tes matriochkas sont bien sympathiques.
So cute your Matryoshkas! I agree, doing sth. by hand is really therapeutic and soothing. I'm not good in knitting or sweing, but love to make stuff from Waldorf-wool sometimes, like moulding it and stitching it together very freestyle. Will have a lookat Anna's now!
So cute ! They will be wonderful babies for your dolls !
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