Winter is still very present in my cold country and i am ( or shall i say, we are ) feeling the winter blues. People here are starting to complain. Lacking of energy, we are in great need of sunshine and a bit of warmth. Last friday, we had a beautiful 8 celcius with sunny skies. I almost lost my mind, opening my studio door and shoveling snow off my little balcony. Little birdies were happyly chirping and feeding on sunflower seeds i gladly give them everyday.
This birdie picture was taken this morning as i woke up to a grey thursday. Very different from last friday.

Last week, i found some great vintage bedding sheets in a thrift store. Even my daughter was surprised at how nice they looked. Very shabby and romantic. I am going to make some decorative pillows for my new bedroom to be. Spring is in the air, even if there is still snow And more will come, no doubt. We all have this urge to refresh, clean and decorate our homes.
Wishing you all a happy thursday!
13 commentaires:
i think we're expecting snow too- i am really missing the sun right now ;0
love your yarn-i once had one that looked a lot like the raspberry colored one you have there. very pretty :)
Hi Monique, you still have snow? Never mind ... it is so pretty. The yarn is beautiful and so are the gloves. We share a love of knitting gloves. It is not so cold here now but fingerless gloves and mittens will be in use for another few months. All my family are kitted out :o) Best wishes to you my friend, love, xx
That photo looks so cozy. Have a wonderful day MOnique!
what a wonderful yarn!!!! here today it's cold but...they sky is sooo blue but...we are waiting a bit of snow too for the week end...so...I'll think to you!!! ;O)
I understand you, here is still cold too. I hardly wait for spring to come. Yout knitting looks lovely :)
Hi sweet Monique,
I am sorry you still have so much snow! It must be very hard to have such long winters! I do hope spring arrives soon! The yarn you choose is beautiful and so is your knitting! Enjoy knitting, creating and decorating! Love and kisses sweet friend! Paula
Love the first picture in this post!! Spring will come, I know it : )
cette laine est vraiment belle, on a envie d'en faire plein de choses différentes.
tu sais, à paris il fait très doux depuis que la neige de décembre a fondu, mais les gens râlent car il pleut (les français râlent de toutes façons). bon week end.
Congratulations on your blog. Visit my blog. Check out my work. Access: http://ecologiaemeioambiente.blogspot.com/
Hi Monique!
The yarn your using is simply gorgeous...it looks so soft.
I also wanted to ask...my son wants to send his little duck to visit you if you wouldn't mind. You can email me at fadedplains (at) huntel (dot) net or through etsy to let me know. Thanks so much!
xoxo, Andrea
P.S. Try to stay warm and cozy ;o)
liebe monique,
wundershcöne farben hat deine wolle! ich habe schon so lange nicht mehr gestrickt, obwohl ich strick liebe.
hier ist es noch so kalt. 2 grad war es heute und auch noch regen. morgen soll die sonne scheinen und nächste woche wärmer werden. ich warte so darauf. liebe grüße und einen schönen sonnigen sonntag, éva
lovely post still looks bitterly cold where you are sweetie- hope your nice and snugg ;0)
love the wool yarn- how beautiful!!
yes its amazing what lovely thrifty finds are out there...jumped for joy when i found a lovely thrifty homes book with wonderful interiors and homes inside! for a quid! woohoo!
happy days, roll on spring x
Dearest sweet Monique, today I received the gorgeous tote, I love love LOVE it! The fabric is beautiful, delicate and girly. The tag, well it is not really a tag, is the sweetest. Receiving another lovely piece made with love from you just made my day. Now I really want Mrs. Spring to arrive soon!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, sweet friend.
Much love for today and every day xxxxxx
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