I woke up early this morning to find it was very windy and snowing. It is not a thick snow, but only gentle snowflakes falling. Christmas is in the air and i love this moment where you start to decorate your home, bake, shop, wrap, dream... This week end we will go cut the christmas tree. It is in a tree farm and we have been going there for many years now. It is going to be fun especially that little Jacob is with us. He is much too young to realize what christmas is all about, but bringing him with us will be wonderful. Still missing my daughter who is in Brussels. I miss her even more at this time of year.
I had my christmas event this week end and yesterday, hubby and i painted the whole living room. I am very tired, so i pray that you will find some understanding and wait one more day for the draw. Tomorrow, promise, i will announce the winner of my giveaway.
Have a wonderful day all ♥
Oh, please, do visit
swedish house . it is a lovely blog and she is the one who had the idea of this tuesday through the window play along. This week, i took a picture from the living room window. This is where i love to sit, knit and look outside. Share your window with us !
14 commentaires:
I love your winter garden, Monique, so peaceful and beautiful!
You are very special, don't forget to get a bit of time for doing nothing. To sit, and then have the magic of Christmas happen with your loved ones. The new year will be busy enough, now we must just sit, and sit really :)
Aw, such a magical place to sit and dream away, Monique. I love love the view out of your window, I try to picture you sitting there right now ^_^
There are so many lovely things to be done in and around the house these days. Hooray for the Holiday season. I am sending lots of happy thoughts and positive vibes around the corner to your sweet pea in Brussel and to you as well. Tons of Dutch warm wishes for a wonderful magical JOY-filled season.
Bon mardi ma chere amie! Bisous xxxx
Est-ce que ta fille a mange une lettre au chocolat deja?
Bisous, ma belle xxxx
Bonjour Monique
What a beautiful, magical winter garden view. Soo homely and christmassy, I complete understand why this is your little corner to sit/sew/knit/craft
Thank you soo much for sharing your wonderful view :-D
In the hustle and bustle of Christmas is great to sit and rest a while...
Happy December Days...
beauty in the fairytake landscape x it just so M*A*G*I*C*A*L ;0)
LOVING all the views through the windows...lovely winter wonderland snow, Enjoy x
so cozy from the inside~my view looks a lot like yours! snow ;)
stay warm :)
Dear Monique,
Thank you for sharing the beautiful view out of your lovely window! It is equally beautiful inside as it is out! That is the perfect spot to enjoy knitting and looking outside! I love your winter garden, so peaceful and magical! I love this time of year too, Christmas is so beautiful!!!
Enjoy getting your Christmas tree with your sweet grandson! I wish your daughter could be with you! I know she misses you too! Sending her, you and your dear ones, the best Christmas wishes!!! I pray you can get some rest! Painting the living room is quite a feat, especially at this time of year! Take good care sweet friend and enjoy your beautiful view! Much love, Paula
Oh what a joy to look through other people's windows! I love this time of year, too, even though I can vacillate over how much to do or NOT do. I made a pledge to do a handmade Christmas this year & since I love to bake (and have more time for that than painting) I will bake all my pressies this year. Looking out your window is peaceful. It is magical. Joyful. Thank you for visiting me & peeking through my windows, too~ Lille (lily)
oh that looks so magical! I bet little Jacob is loving the atmosphere even if he doesn't really know what is happening. Little Esme is having the first year where she really knows what is going on and it so lovely seeing her excited about opening cards and singing christmas songs :-) Rest all you need, don't worry about us waiting, we are here whenever you pop up on blogger :-) xxx
A wonderful view you have from your window. I really like that fine little house. :))
I definitely understand why you miss your daughter even more these days. I bet that she is thinking a lot about you too.
It sounds so cozy with little Jacob on his first Christmas tree trip. Bringing children is indeed a special and absolutely fantastic thing - no matter which age they have. :))
Have a lovely day tomorrow. :))
That's a most marvelous view. I can only dream. :)
Beautiful view Monique - I am so enjoying seeing all the sights that Julie has gathered together! :D
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