I always grew a patch of herbs. Rosemary,chives, parsley,beebalm,thymes,mint,savory,sage,coriander and oh, the so glorious basil ( see post in september ). I think if a had to choose between gardening with herbs or flowers, my heart would bend towards their heavenly smell and for the variety of uses they so gladly offer. I love to cook with them because they add so much flavor to foods. But herbs can also be used for medicinal purposes and they make great teas.
I can still see in my memories, my younger daughter Anne at aged 2, sitting on the porch with me on warm summer evenings, sipping beebalm and mint tea with her own little cup. She always loved herbal teas and i still make a cup for her whenever she ask for some. I love their soothing and comforting taste.
Winter is almost here and i will miss my herb garden. Yesterday was very unusually warm and very windy. I love this weather. Could not help but spend some time outdoors and savor the moment. I unearthed my little rosemary bush, and repotted it, in the hopes that maybe it will survive the winter indoors. I tried once, but it sadly died. A friend of mine who owns a fabulous veggie garden told me she succeeded to keep hers for most of the winter. I thought i had nothing to lose in trying again, if i leave it ouside, it will die anyway.
If some of you, northern people, have some tricks to share on how to keep your rosemary inside, i would love to hear from you ♥
8 commentaires:
You probably know that but I will mention just in case that rosemary require full sun to survive. Maybe try a sunny window sill and do not over water?
Yes, SocksAndMittens I believe is correct. I am unfortunatly not a green thumb, BUT I was at someone's home one time and they had the most beautiful BUSH of rosemary in their home!! It was sitting in a sunny window. I would imagine you could check into it even more ont he internet. Goodluck Monique!!!
i love your photo! i hope your rosemary does well this winter (fingers crossed for you!!)! xox, :))
I'm sure it will be ok this time :-) Your living room's window would be perfect no mam chose?
Your blog is a joy!
Just a little note to let you know more little merry mice are being listed in my etsy store...
I couldn't locate an email for you~ so I'll share here :)
Wishing you all the best!
i leave mine outside and it has become a bush! loves its spot apperantly. :)
Hi dear Monique,
I love herbs too, they smell and look wonderful, are good in cooking and for medicinal purposes… what a blessing they are! I do hope your rosemary will survive the winter. I think it is a good idea to pot it and bring it in. I think it would just need the sunniest spot in the house you can provide! Love, Paula
I planted some herbs in large mason jars and have in a south facing window.......so far so good especially the basil, it is really thriving. a warm and moist environment is the key with drainage and room for the roots to grow.........bon chance! Your blog is beautiful by the way!
Trish xo
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