Do you love basil ? That is not a question one would ask me. I litteraly drool as i pick fresh leaves in my garden. A friend even used to call me crazy basil lady. I have a tiny veggie patch, but i managed to save enough space to grow 2 rows of basil. Hubby says i got carried away. " you don't need so much, he says ". At my previous house where i lived for so many years, my garden was huge and the basil rows were even bigger. At one point, i grew 4 different varieties. Lemon basil, purple basil,the genoa kind and my all time favorite, leaf lettuce basil. The large, crinkled leaves, which grow on the short, wide plant, have a very strong licorice smell. I just love this herb in pasta or tomatoe and bocconcini salad. ( yummy ) Many years ago, when my daughter Geneviève was still living with us ( these were the happy times ) she found this recipe on the web and since then, it has been one of our favorite summer dish. We improved it and this is how it turned out.
In a large bowl add:
- A 796ml can of tomatoes ( or fresh tomatoes from the garden. Around 6 cups diced )
- 1/2 cup cold pressed olive oil ( I know, it looks like too much, but beleive me, it will be very tasty )
- 2 or more chopped garlic cloves
- At least 2 cups of cubed old cheddar cheese ( you can add mozarella if you prefer )
- 2 cups or more if you wish of fresh chopped basil ( the more the better )
salt and pepper to taste.
Cook spaghetti, enough for 4 to 5 portion, strain and add to your uncooked sauce in the bowl. Toss to mix and devour ! This is suppose to make plenty for a family of 4 or 5, but since this is sinfully delicious, two can easily eat the whole bowl !
Summer is nearing to its end and so is my veggie patch. I cannot complain, summer was wonderful and i had a plentiful crop. My basil is still growing strong, but i know it is just a matter of a week or 2 before the first fall frost will kill my crop.
I will miss you, glorious Basil ♥
7 commentaires:
how 'jinxy' i made basil n toms soup today- and was thinking how much i love basil!...thank you for your lovely post how heavenly to have lots rows of all different basil plants to taste ;0)
My back yard is very small but i still love to have my herbs around it in pots ;0)
lemon basil i really must look for that here in the u.k.
beautiful blog- your dolls are the cutest of all the dolls ive seen ;0)xxxx
love your daughters name ;0)x
Yum! I grow basil, too and always grow more than I need!!
Your recipe looks yummy!
I love basil too!
But I didn´t know there exists so many varieties.
Oh my goodness, are you kidding? I LOVE basil!!! I'm laughing, I just got back from the farmers market and bought some fresh yummy tomatoes, and a big bunch of basil, goodness, that makes me drooool!! having tomato salad,,,sprinkled with basil, olive oil, salt and pepper, YUUUMMM! Yay for basil!! Yay for Blueberries in the fields, I so love your dolls chica!!!
xoxo rena
i think i would quite like a name like "crazy basil lady" because i love basil, too! i wish they made perfume with it because i would wear it every day!! i have some basil growing out on our back porch, but it's so hot here in florida that it doesn't last as long as i'd like it too......
your recipe sounds delicious....enjoy your basil until the cold weather comes!!! :)))
Merci de ta visite,je découvre ainsi ton blog.
Bonne journée
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