Now that my sailing vacation is over, i am happily returning in my studio. Oh, how i missed you !
I cannot complain, my summer was spent relaxing, sailing, diving in the lake, or in the pool when at home, indulging in pastas garnished with homegrown fresh basil, ( love basil ) cycling through the countryside, reading, knitting... My soul is replenished, i have a lovely tan and my hair and eyebrows got so pale, hubby says i look like an albinos. " where are your eyebrows ? " he said as we were having lunch in the cockpit of our sailboat. Pff ! He loves teasing. Told him;" least i ain't got no gray hair yet, your head is covered in gray. " ( smiles ) we love to tease each other. We spent a whole month he and I, together the whole time. We rarely argue, never fight. I'd rather let him win anyway to prevent fights . Need to spend my energy on more important stuff. Besides, hubby is always such a good humored guy, can't be mad at him for very long.
This past week was very quiet, him returning to work and me spending my days in my studio, sewing and painting new dolls. I sold Bertha, my first painted doll and wanted to make some more. I did not have my teacher with me and felt a bit panicky when i started painting the facial features, but i finally managed to create a funny little boy i named Carlos. The day after came Svetlana, a little russian girl ( daughter said she looked russian ). I just listed them in my shop today and am a bit anxious to see if i'll get some nice feedback on them. At least, i had fun doing them and will make more when i get some free time. Next week, i must work on some custom orders and start thinking about doing things with a halloween and winter or christmas theme. I would be really happy if you left me some honest comments on Svetlana and Carlos. I don't mind negative feedbacks, i do not consider myself as an artist like my daughter Geneviève. Oh, by the way, she has been busy all summer doing some art doll too, check these out !Now , aren't they sweet ?!? She even made some halloween themed art dolls, absolutely crazy. But to see them, take a peek at her lovely blog ( link above that says teacher ) and do leave your comments ) sh
Will post some more next week. So many things i want to tell ya !
hugs and kisses to all ♥
8 commentaires:
You are an artist! I love your new dolls , honestly ! I am off to have a look at your daughters site:)
Glad you have been having a fab summer. I will be writing a little story about Emile at some point , just need to find the time with the three sweetpeas at home at the moment. Your lavendar heart was gorgeous too, I am always sniffing it when I walk past :-) Love your dolls, the painting is gorgeous on it. I must confess I still love Emily, Delphine & Marion more , I think it is their cute clothes and hair that does it for me :-)
I love them so much!!! You are so talented!
Ravie de rencontrer la maman de Mademoiselle G, je me suis promenée un peu sur votre blog et je suis sous le charme des jolies poupées! A bientôt!
Your summer sounds to have been sensational and your dolls are too; which, let me tell you, is praise indeed. I hate dolls normally! Happy creating; Linda...
Elles sont cool! Et merci pour la petite pub :-) Je t'ai aussi passé le "Versatile blog award" ! xxxx
your artwork is just as enchanting as your daughter's!!! :)))
i love the painted outfits...the special little details make such a big impact..the scallop edges, white line on the trim...love that.
faces are hard! i don't do enough either-- maybe i'll give a few a try. I am a stitcher of cute mouths.
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