I haven't been around much for the past 2 weeks. Hubby decided to take some time off and go sailing. We have had this sailboat for 6 years now and every summer we sail on beautiful lake St-Francis which is about an hour drive

from home. It stays anchored in a marina the whole summer and every week end ( weather permitting ) we pack and head for the lake. I call it my little retreat, a place where i can relax, forget about everyday responsibilities and indulge in some swimming and sunbathing. I am not much of a sunbather, i get my nice summer tan rather by spending so much time outdoors. We always bring our bicycles and love to explore the surrounding countryside when the day is not windy. We found a place where we could go strawberry picking and we ate more than we picked.Oh my gosh, they were so juicy and sweet, i would have spent the whole day there, just eating and picking. I must go back and pick some more, i am craving to bake a warm strawberry pie. hubby nearly had to drag me off the patch. ( so sad ) We came back home on monday, because hubby knows i need to work in my studio. I miss it sometimes, even if i love being at the lake. I made a bunch of Muffinpies and will probably bring some work with me when we leave again on thursday. Hubby is going back to work next tuesday and will have another 4 weeks off starting later in July. I expect we will spend a lot of time away from home, but i shall try and come say hello to my blogging friends from time to time.
Enjoy your summer All ♥

7 commentaires:
wow, monique! so lucky of you to have a sailboat! enjoy your summer days!
Such a wonderful way to spend the weekends! Your boat is gorgeous! Your trips sound great...would love to join you! ;-D
Ohhh, beautiful trip in ship :) adore this summer photos. Thanks for share your happy momments. Hugs and enjoy these nice days.
Monique, what a very beautiful way to spend the summer. Lovely. have an enchanted time. Hugs to you and thanks again for including me in your treasury. Robin
Hi Monique, so lovely that you can get away and relax. Happy sailing
Carolyn x
how wonderful! looks like the perfect summer retreat. I definitly could forget the cares there.
Hello, Monique! What a great ship :) It is a dream absolutely unreachable for some people, so beautiful :)
Here is my answer to your comment in my blog. I spent summer in the country with my kids (a girl and a little boy on the pics), almost without internet, so I do not follow my friends here, and only check my email once a week or so. But I'm very glad that I had to come to your blog to answer. Your daughter's electric men are very nice. I wonder if we should introduce them to my flower girls? May be they will love each other? I also like your painted doll. That is something which looks very difficult to me - to paint doll's face. She has very good face in my opinion. :).
By the way, I know my English had never been good and is becoming worse every year/month/day now with those kids :). Hope you do not mind it very much.
Well, enjoy your summer! And my best wishes to Muffinpies.
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