About a year ago, one smart girl commented in my blog and told me " i see potentials in those little dolls ". Ideas started flowing in my head and the Muffinpies were born. Today is a beautiful sunny day. And today is my
BIRTHDAY ...Nope, i won't tell how old i am...ummm, ok, why not, it is just a number after all. I am still young and crazy in my heart...Well, i just turned 50...I looked in the mirror and saw no difference. So why worry ?And i proudly told hubby who is 4 years younger, " at least, i don't have

one single grey hair , and you do. " He says it is ok for him to have grey hair, it is part of his charm. He also says he looks just as handsome as George Clooney. ( rolled my eyes )
My very first set of Muffinpies
To celebrate my birthday and also to celebrate
Muffinpiemania, i decided i would make a giveaway and give one Muffinpie. Her name is Geraldine Muffinpie, she looks a little sad, but i
think it is because she wants so much to travel like
all the other muffinpies. So if you love her little sad face and would love to have her home with you, all you have
to do is leave me a comment With your email adress to those who do not have a blog so i can contact you if you win Geraldine. I will announce the winner tuesday, June 1st and will add a little extra gift, but that will remain a surprise. I wish to thank all those wonderful ladies who beleive in my art. Without you, my Muffinpies would probably not exist. I also wish to thank that smart girl who beleived these little dolls would become so famous one day. :)
Have a happy and wonderful day my lovelies ♥
p.s. I took new and better pictures of sweet Geraldine
41 commentaires:
Happy birthday blessings Monique! You are a very talented dollmaker! Your Muffinpies are unlike any other dolls I've seen. They are so special and beautiful! xoxo
Happy Birthday to you ! Your shop is very cute as well .
hope you have a lovely celebration your your special day .
tumblemumbo at gmail dot com
It's a beautiful day here in Canada...and even more special because I JUST found your blog on your BIRTHDAY!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY pretty lady!
Your dolls are gorgeous...my girls love them too!
Have a wonderful day!
blogsrtists (at) gmail.com
Happy Birthday! 50...that's not so much. I'm almost there myself.
I love ALL Muffinpies! Thanks for the heads up on the give-away. :)
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Beautiful lady Monique Happy Birthday to YOUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!
I wish you all the very best today and always and many many years of gorgeous creations. Thank you so much for sharing your love through your wonderful dolls.
Blessings and Love
...many, many wishes for a beautiful birthday, you're a young lady not only in your mind, don't forget it! ;o)
A big hug from Italy, and thanks so much for this generous chance too! :o*
P.S. maybe the winning rule to feel and live well is to have a younger hubby nearby (I'm almost 47 and my hubby is 42), what do you think? ;o)
Joyeux Anniversaire Monique... Tu as le bel âge.
C'est rigolo, La femme de mon frère a 28 ans aujourd'hui!!!
J'attends ma poupée avec impatience et participe avec joie à ton "Giveaway"....
Une très belle journée à toi!!!
Many happy returns of the day, Monique!
Your Muffinpies are beginning to spread their gentle magic around a certain island in the eastern Mediterranean making some little girls very happy.
Geraldine's sad pout reminds me of my little girl when the world doesn't go her way.
Thank you again for sharing all this enchantment with us!
Hello, Monique! I was browsing Etsy without any goal a couple of weeks ago when I found your shop there. It was an instant love and I quietly read your blog ever since. The first set of Muffinpies was so very sweet. Those eyes!! I love them so very much it's hard not to copy them somewhere :)))!! And your giveaway is perfect! :)
So Happy Birthday from Russia!! Wish you many more great projects!
nina_na at mail.ru
May you and your adorable muffinpies have a wonderful day. I'm 62, lots of gray hair....you can be young at heart at any age. It's good for us oldies to encourage and appreciate young people....they are the future.
Congrats on your Birthday!!! from here you look just 29 ;o)
Geraldine is too cute!!!
Happy birthday. The muffinpies are sooo sweet!
You are so talented! I hope I win this gorgeous doll. Thanks a bunch for the giveaway.
trés joyeux anniversaire Monique et longue vie aux petites muffinpies elles sont si belles elles méritent leur succés je me permets de vous faire une bise pour vos 50 ans Marjorie.
My dear Monique!
I am very happy that I met you, you brought me a lot of happiness with you little Muffinpies. My life already was full of excitement but ... I ALWAYS WANT MORE AND MORE... :)
I know you will stay a little fairy who makes miracles forever - it's a beautiful thing - because fairies never get old! ;)
I am sending you blessing from my heart - always stay the way you are!
Lada ladvelig@hotmail.com
Happy birthday dear Monique!
Wish you another nice 50 :)
I love your Muffinpies. Please enter me. I just know Geradine wants to travel to the Baggaraggs and hang in the studio with me.
And a very happy Birthday to you. Hugs, Robin
Her sweet forlorn little face does tug at the heart. I'm so glad you listened to those words of encouragement.
Happy Happy Birthday!
je viens de découvrir votre blog et vos Muffinpies. Elles sont superbes ! Bravo ! Alors si Geraldine Muffinpie veut venir visiter un petit coin de France elle sera bien accueillie chez nous :-)
Euh j'allais oublier : Bon Anniversaire :-)
A bientôt
She is absolutely lovely. And she shares the name of my Grandma who passed on last year. Would love to have her!
Happy Birthday!
she is so lovely... i love the little sad faced dollies :)
happy birthday!!! xxxx
woweeee what an exciting giveaway your little geraldine muffinpie would be right at home in a mermaids purse...my little sweet pea would adore her! ;0)
fingers crossed n toes we win hehe
my email kazzybabeshull@live.co.uk
enjoy the sunshine with your muffinpies xxxx
So,very sweet. I am also having a giveaway, so come and join!
Art by Karena
Have a wonderful birthday! Your dolls are very expressive, their faces show a lot of emotion- delightful!
i hvae never seen your dolls before today when i was searching flickr for cloth dolls...yours really caught my eye-really sweet- i love seeing the first ones along-side to see how they have changed over the years. congratulations on your beautiful creations and happy (belated) birthday xx
I hope you had a wonderful birthday!
Your muffinpies are so cute.
Happy belated birthday!! I received my newest muffinpie and she is beautiful! You are truly gifted and blessed. My muffinpies say Happy Birthday to you also! Susie 2001Benjamin@msn.com
Happy Birthday to you!!, cute and sweet dolls :) thanks for make me happy when i drop here. Hugs
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!!! Your Muffinpies are adorable!!!
Oh Monique,Thank you for coming to get me!
Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!!
Congratulations, may all you dreams come true for this year of your life. And may your 50's be the best ones yet! I think of you everyday when I see the girls. They are so very cute and fun to have around. And no matter how busy I am they make me stop and smile! It's so hard not to want to pick them up and have a little chat! :)
merci beaucoup m'amie!
joyeux anniversaire Monique !
j'espère que tu as passé un bon weekend à cette occasion, que le soleil a été avec toi pour cette célébration...
bien sûr c'est dommage que la famille n'ait pas été au complet... j'espère que la webcam a beaucoup marché...
tes jolies poupées sont de plus en plus belles :)
il faut que tu me rappelles ton adresse pour que je t'envoie un p'tit cadeau...
bisettes xo
Life is a small town and at the backyard of nice people there is always nice, happy things like Geraldine.Geraldine is so close too me but I like her just when I cover my hairs with rollers. Our gardens are so close, we just have borders with small flowers planted on. We are living in the same neighbourhood. That's why I want to say : HAPPY BİRTHDAAAAYY...! I'm so lucky that I came acroos with little muffinpies. hugs :) and one muffin in my hands with a candle on. Please say pfffff : )
I hope you had a wonderful birthday.I turned 41 one day before:))
I love your work and follow your blog here from Portugal.
About Geraldine, I´m in love with her pretty sad litle face, she look´s lovely.
Whish you the best.
Love, Paula
Happy Birthday Monique!!!
I would love to add Geraldine to my collection of (3 so far) and more to come Muffinpie dolls. Pick me, pick me, LOL! Thanks for allowing me to enter.
Your friend,
Kim Budash
A very happy birthday to you! My Mum is just over 50 and has more energy than me and looks fab - what a great age.
Oooh pleasey enter me into your gorgeous giveaway - I am sure Geraldine will be cheared up living here with the other muffinpies and Elf :-)
Oh, I understand why Geraldine´s mouth pouts in this sad way - mine turns just the same way when I am upset. And I understand her dream of travelling too - but to that I found an easy solution. If I cannot rush out into the world, I let the world come to me :-) Earlier, during the "iron curtain ;-)" times I used to travel via books, music, films and art. Today I do a lot of my travelling via internet - meeting people on the net, just as I would meet them somewhere out there "on the" road.
And I am very glad to have met you :-) - just now - through etsy and your blog. I will come to visit from time to time, if you do not mind... Yours is a very warm, pleasant and inspiring place...
I feel you must be a "sister soul" to us (me and my daughter) who sometimes instead of bed-time stories just try to overhear the conversations of our fabric toys - an old doll from India and two fabric pigs ;-)
Your dolls have such character - and as it seems - very independent minds ;-)
I´ve been thinking a lot about age recently, too. My mother is growing older, and suddenly underneath all her usual strenght i can sense this fragility I never noticed before. And I watch my daughter grow up, still living in a tender world of fantasies and magic, yet already peeking into the big girl´s world of independence and self-creation.
I am somewhere in between, a bit like you, just wondering how come that I feel still the same girl but some things are just not the same any more ... But it seems to be a good time for reflection and finding new things ... So that´s what I wish you for your birthday -celebrate this time of reflection, use it to the full and enjoy the girl of yourself :-) You are a unique girl :-) Without you the Miuffinpies would not be there to dream of travels and cuddly homes and whatever else they dream of...:-) HAPPY BIRDTHDAY !
Boldog Születés Napót! Happy Birthday in Hungarian! I love the 'concerned' look that she is wearing. I would love to reassure her that all is well :)
Let's see if I will be lucky as it is my birthday tomorrow. Crossing my fingers ; )
I love your dollies!!!! oh mu they are adorable!!!
Thank you for stopping by, I love to meet other doll makers!
Margaret B
I have three of you most wonderful dolls.... I am just popping by to say hi, and would like others to have a chance to win :) xxx
Oh Hi by the way!
Happy Birthday! Your Muffinpies dolls are fabulous! Congrats to the happy winner of Geraldine! :-)
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