Days, fly by so fast and i am trying to make the most of my time spent with my daughter. Tomorrow we are going on a shopping spree and i think it is going to be a lot of fun. I had made several new Muffinpies to list in my shop and i wanted to list them today, as we decided to make it a quiet afternoon. Geneviève is watching television as i am posting this. After that, i think we are going to have some tea together before hubby comes back from work. All of my new Muffinpies are listed without a bunny or teddy. This can be arranged if someone wishes to have one. Just email me for infos.
Hoping you are all having a happy tuesday ♥
Delphine is sold
11 commentaires:
Have a wonderful day shopping! Sounds like a great day out! x
Enjoy your tea. I got a Zarafina so my Daughter and I can have tea, sorta special when she is home. Its just alovely thing to have tea with your daughter isn't it? Hope you enjoy each other. best Wishes. Robin
You're muffinpies are just darling! Blessings from Nebraska USA!
Lovely doll!
Hiya Monique, can you reserve Delphine for me pleasey. Middle sweetpea is a little jealous of the love Marion and baby sweetpea have :-) It was her birthday the other week so I am going to get her Delphine as a surprise. Ooh and also how much is shipping now and would it be the same for two dolls as I am pondering on one for me (trying to talk myself out of it but not sure I can :-) ). Hope you are having a fab time with your daugther being home and I hope your other daughters bump is growing well. xxx
Haven't forgotten you Monique, just having problems pondering on which other doll to buy. The boy ones look so much like older sweetpea but then the little red haired girl looks a lot like me. oohh I hate decisions! Or should I buy 3 - no Zoe no, be good :-)
OMG my Husband wants one now I have told him I can't make my mind up. Do you do older looking dolls? He is slightly balding with mousey brown hair and stubble and blue eyes - he is good looking honest!
Sooooo pretty and she looks like me!!!!
I just discoverd your blog... wonderful !
I am in love with your dolls...
I will be so happy to adopt one !
So nice ...
Mother / daugher relationship is one of my favorites.
I hope you enjoy your time together !
x x x
PS : Somehow I didn't know she was your daughter ! I like her work very much !
your dolls are adooooorable!
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