I just listed more Muffinpies about an hour ago. Inga was gone within the first hour. She has been adopted by lovely Scottie of Tiddlywinks. Visit her lovely shop, her world is absolutely adorable !
I gave Inge a different look and i am very pleased with the results. Do you think i should be making more muffinpies with little tunics and pants ? What do you think of the little scarflette ? Are you more scarf or scarflette ? I am very open to new suggestion. Let me know of them please ?
The clock is ticking towards dinner time and my belly is making noises, time for me to feed it. Hubby is not here tonight. The windis blowing hard and it is still snowing. Those Hydro linemen are very busy. He called telling me he wontbe home til 10pm...maybe... so i guess i'll go for leftovers and get back in my studio and do some more sewing.
*** SOLD ***
Sleep good ♥
7 commentaires:
Bonjour Monique! Bravo pour ta fille qui attend un bébé! Grand-mère à 49 ans, pas mal! Tes petits muffin pies sont A D O R A B L E S ! Merci pour ta visite, reviens-vite prendre des nouvelles, j'en ferai de même! À bientôt! LuLu xxx
Monique, I love the scarfette, Love the tunics... Love those sweet faces... Monique, trust your instincts!
I love the music you have put on here, so much so I looked it up and keep playing it on utube. Have you watched the film, is it good? Emma x
Cette petite jeune fille est adorable! J'adore son écharpe et la fraîcheur de sa jolie robe!
Just lovely! I can't wait to get her to keep my other Muffinpie company. :) Thanks again!!
Hello granny to be! How lovely! Love your muffinpies too. I think I favour the scarfette on the dolls rather than the scarfs
Have a lovely week. How's the house going?
Sending you big hugs! Just to let you know I finally have a new blog, that is so much easier to use!
Much easier now to (stalk) visit my favourite online blogs!
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