A couple of weeks ago, i received a blog award from a very nice person. I meant to blog as soon as possible to pass this award to some wonderful blogs i have discovered over time, but i have been and still am actually so busy, that i find it harder to come here and blog. I miss it though, i love to blog, to spend time reading other blogs. This post will be a bit short as i am short on free time and want to pass this award to others who deserve it even more than i do. I also want to say something about this lady who honored me with this award. I will give you the link to her blog, but she shut it down for some time because she is going through a very difficult period at the moment. It made me really sad to read her email and i wanted to help her feel better, but not knowing how...And then i thought, maybe if everyone of you reading this post could drop by her etsy shop and leave her a little note from there. She may not email you back, but i am sure she will read your thoughts and hopefully this will make her feel a bit better. We all need support through difficult times, so be generous ? Her blog url is purple sunset I am giving you the link even though she shut her blog for the moment. Let's send her lots of positive thoughts and love. She will undoubltedly appreciate your kind words .
Ok, i am going to pass this award to some nice ladies who deserve it, but then i think that many of us deserves one.
1- encore petite
2- beatrice ze blog
3- dinky daisy
4- around the house
5- dove grey
6- ivory blush roses
7- krys kirkpatrick design
8- little black crow studio
My list could go on and on, but i have to stop here as i have to contact everyone of those ladies. And i have so many things i need to finish today. From now until christmas, i will have to be very strict with myself and my tight schedule. It does not imply that i wont be coming back here. I just need to be more organized. I am such a nonchalant and lazy girl. :)
Do not forget to leave a sweet note to purple sunset through her etsy.
Have a lovely day everyone ♥
Oh, i forgot ! For those of you who received the award, you are free pass this award to your favorites and let people know who gave you the award. thanks so much ♥
6 commentaires:
What a generous heart you have to think of a friend in need...
Yes, I am sending positive thoughts to your friend and wanted to say the HUGEST THANK YOU for my SWEETNESS PUMPKIN. He said his journey was very interesting but he is glad to have arrived. He is sitting with the big boys, the real pumpkin and the gourds! Hello from SWEETNESS and ME :o)
This post is very touching !
Thank you so much for the award :)
It made my day brighter, yesterday !
Kisses from Paris,
x x x
Thank you very much for the award!
Wonderful links too. Always great to find other creative people.
Warm and positive thoughts to your friend too!!
I hope your friend will be well soon!
And if you like Christmas gifts, let me show you our swap-like gift-game:
Thank-you so much for mentioning me. I have only looked at my blog for the first time all week. I am in creative mode, big time. I love your blog and little art pieces. Have a great day!
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