I finally reached my 50th sale today ! I know, this is no big deal, considering that many etsians have made hundreds, even thousands of sales. But no longer than a few months ago, i was hardly selling anything and i was even thinking of closing my shop . I am more confident now. It is a slow progress, but with determination, hard work and imagination, i beleive it will get even better. What do you think ? I need to mention here that i have been honored by a sweet lady with the one lovely blog award. I want to express to you, dear friend, my gratefulness and happiness for choosing me. As soon as i have a moment, i will pass this award to some wonderful ladies who deserves to be discovered. I am working double shift at the moment. As a matter of fact, autumn is always a crazy period for me. This week end, i will attend a craft market and i will bring some of my etsy listings and halloween goodies i made especially for the market. i promise to take pictures and show you later next week. And starting next week, i will start making christmas goodies to list in my shop, but must make a lot as i will be having a christmas show in december. I will tell you more about this later on in another post. It is getting late and i am starting to have droopy eyes.
Have a nightie night full of sweet dreams ♥
10 commentaires:
Bonjour! Bravo pour ta 50e vente sur Etsy! Oui, les temps sont durs et les ventes plus rares aussi, et rassure-toi, c'est vrai pour tout le monde, même pour les mégastar-artistes ... Je crois que 2010 sera meilleure! C'est à mon tour d'avoir un giveaway! Viens faire un tour pour participer quand tu auras une minute! Bravo encore! LuLu
hey so did I!!!!
congratulations for 50th sale!!
I haven't blogged about it yet but will soon..may even do a teeny sale!
Actually you have 53 sales:)
Grace, that is great news !!! i am really happy for you :)
What ?!!! 53?!!!!? i must go check !!!
What a lovely post Monique. Congratulations on your 50th sale and good luck at your craft fair. I hope you enjoy it as well as having some fruitful sales
The collage is nearly finished, I am pleased with it I will post soon :o)
Carolyn xx
Congratulations on 50 sales!!! WTG!!!
Hope you have a lovely day!
WOOT WOOT!!! Congrats!
Congratulations on 50 sales!!!
I'm so glad you didn't close your shop. :)
Congratulations this 50th sale !
wow that will never happen to me ! don't even know if I 'll have 50 items listed one day!!! LOL
I'm very happy with Helga and will keep an eye for your Christmas items !
Oh this little pumpkin is just adorable!
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