It has been a very tough week due to very heavy periods and lots of muffinpies to make, most being custom orders. i am almost done with the orders, i just need to finish a few details on each of them. I managed to list 3 in my shop today. I know i will have to make more, starting next week. I just wanted to show you this happy bunch and also take a little moment and wish you all a happy week end. For my part, i will try to go outside, probably go skiing . It is suppose to be mild and sunny, i need some sun vitamins . ^-^
Go play outside, it is good for the soul ♥
9 commentaires:
Wishing you sunshine, sun energy and lots of feel good moments... oh and rest! You are working too hard, Monique! xxx And if you get a chance, please send a little bit of your snow our way, my children are desperate to build some snowmen, and we haven't had any winter weather here yet :(
danke für deinen lieben kommentar! ich schreibe dir dann auf deutsch. mein englisch ist sowieso sehr schlecht.
ich liebe deine werke! so charakteristisch und schön!
schönes wochenende, éva
Oooo, so good to emerge back in my german, i understood every word, vielen danks Éva ♥
they are super cute and sweet!!!!
sure you need a bit of rest and relax and with the snow, all is wonderful!!!
Happy week end!!!
These girls are beautiful!
these are so cute!!
go out and get some sun~i need some too :)
Just thing of all the joy your cute little dolls bring :-) Hope you feel better soon. xxx
These dolls are beautiful!! Such cheery souls : )
sparkling sun is what everyone needs! + having around those cuties does help too.
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