samedi 10 janvier 2009

this is the weirdest thing...I cannot modify my messages... Am i doing anything wrong. So cold in this room, my fingers are starting to be really numb. Ok girls, listen ! I am trying one more time, i made another mistake ( so sorry ! ) but i think i found the here it goes...

* shabby roses cottage

cross my fingers...Please, please !!! Do not forget to read messages below !!

3 commentaires:

Grip dagen a dit…

Thank you for the award.
I have just started a map on my blog that show which countries that visit me. I am so impressed by all different people that drop in...
-And it may be even more after you mention my name on YOUR blog, too!?

I used to visit mostly Norwegian blogs, but now a new door has opened. There are so many creative people all over! So nice to get new inspiration.

Love from Marit

Wanda a dit…

Thanks so very much for the award!!! My... you never know what will happen when you don't check your blog for a day and a half. I have been gone for a couple of days, what a nice surprise. Thank you again, especailly for being such a lovely visitor.TTFN

Wanda a dit…

Just another quick note, WELCOME to my follower list. I am so happy to have you. I will try to keep it interesting.:) TTFN