samedi 10 janvier 2009

A little mistake

Arrrgh ! i made a mistake, two blogs were miswritten so i will make the correction right here in a new message. I wanted to modify the previous message, but don't ask me why, i can't find it !
so here is the correction. Please, read my previous message and don't forget to visit those amazing blogs !

* shabby-rose-cottage
* aha,mama :)

There you go, ope it works this time :)

3 commentaires:

Ahama a dit…

Dear Monique,
Thank you so much for the award, I feel happy:). You found out, what I feel most important about blogging. Yes, the nearness (proximidad :) ). The thing, that thousands of miles are not distance between two blog-friends.
From now you can read a short abstract in English for every posts in my blog.

Anonyme a dit…


Hehe... you sound so much like me.
I am exactly the same way with computer matters.
I have had so many problems with my online blog, that at one point I just gave up on it.

Whatever the problem is I hope you have been able to sort it out *crosses fingers it works*

Ahama a dit…

Hi:). My name is Marta.
You can't believe, what happened with the award you sent me in our blog-circle.
Everyone got it, of course and it became a sort of friendship-sign.
It was interesting and touching what some of my friends wrote about their feelings of friendship when passed the award.
Thanks again:)