mercredi 24 septembre 2008


Originally uploaded by mademoiselle.G
Another lovely ink drawing from my beautiful daughter. She looks so " parisienne ", don't you think ? take a look at her blog and listen to that old Frehel music. As you wander and admire her " ladies " you will feel transported in another era

4 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

Mici mom :-)

Carol B. a dit…

Thank you so much for the kind words you left on my site. I am so grateful.
As for your site, what beautiful work! And from your picture I cannot believe you are old enough to be the mother of such a remarkable artist.
Such talent in mother and daughter!
Carol B.

Anonyme a dit…

What a very talented daughter you have.

Have a lovely weekend, Nel x

blueberries in the fields a dit…

thanks carol for the sweet comments.
and thanks Nel, have a great week end too !