I haven't been much around during the christmas holidays and i would like to thank those who took the time to come here and wish me a merry holiday season. As soon a i have a minute, i will go and visit you and your lovely blogs.
In several hours, it will be New Years day and i am feeling a little nostalgic, knowing that in a week or so, i will have to start taking out the christmas decorations. My tree is standing proudly near the living room window , so glittery and beautiful. I wish it could stand there all winter long. I never tire of this special time of year... Although christmas goes by so quickly. I hope your holiday season was filled with joy and love.
To celebrate the New Year, i decided to offer a special giveaway. But this time, i will have to ask a little bit more work from all of you . ^_^
step one: leave a comment
step two: blog about my giveaway
step three: put a link on your facebook if you have one.
There are no obligations to fulfill all three, but you will have an additonal chance to win if you do all of them..
My gift to you ? I will custom make a muffinpie just for you. you will have a chance to choose fabric color for the clothes, hair color ( as long as i have it in stock ) eye color, ect.
I always loved sharing and making people happy and in this New Year, i hope i can bring more joy around me.
Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with joy, love, peace and special moments.

To celebrate the New Year, i decided to offer a special giveaway. But this time, i will have to ask a little bit more work from all of you . ^_^
step one: leave a comment
step two: blog about my giveaway
step three: put a link on your facebook if you have one.
There are no obligations to fulfill all three, but you will have an additonal chance to win if you do all of them..
My gift to you ? I will custom make a muffinpie just for you. you will have a chance to choose fabric color for the clothes, hair color ( as long as i have it in stock ) eye color, ect.
I always loved sharing and making people happy and in this New Year, i hope i can bring more joy around me.
Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with joy, love, peace and special moments.
46 commentaires:
Happy New Year! I was wanting to start my new year, right: visiting my dear friends: and wow, you have a super giveaway! oh, how sweet... I am blushing just at the deliciousness of the proposal! :) May this be a wonder year to you and your love ones and may your beautiful muffinpie-girls find loving homes all over the world! :)
Happy New Year from Finland!
I admire your crafts, hope that I win!
Happy New Year from England!
I would love to win one of your lovely muffinpie dolls!
Oh, I love your muffinpies! Happy New Year from Ukraine! :))
Happy New Year!
What a lovely giveaway - Im already a follower so please may I be included!
Happy New Year dear Monique for you and the whole family!
Thanks for the giveaway, my secret wish is a muffinpie for a long time :)
(I wrote about this on my blog and FB site.)
Happy New Year!
what a fun giveaway :)
your muffinpies are so cute!
Oh!I like you muffinpies!
Happy New Year from Russia)))
Happy New Year, your dolls are so cute. I'm new to the blogging world, working on launching my own, but will post your giveaway.
*hoping praying hoping praying* happy sigh...Your Muffin Pies are just the best Monique. In the mean time I will be hoping praying hoping praying......
I have posted about your giveaway on Facebook, and blogged about it on my blog, oh, and did I mention I put up a giant light up billboard in my front yard??? tee hee.
happy New Year! Hugs, Robin
Happy New Year !
I would love to win one of your lovely muffinpie dolls
Márta from Hungary.
Soon there will be, somewhere on our planet, a very happy lovely lady embracing this cutie pie!
Have a wonderful 2012, ma tendre amie xxx
Happy New Year!!!
What a wonderful giveaway. I couldnt believe it when I saw it. I will post it on facebook right now.
Thank you so much for a chance to win of these adorable dolls!
Oh my word, that is an amazing giveaway Monique! I will try and do all three of the things you request and post here as I do them. I know what you mean about decorations, i think I will have to take mine down slowly as I will miss them :-(
I just posted your page on my Scented Sweetpeas facebook page x
Bottoms it won't let me do it right now, will do it in the morning for you x
très belle année, pleine de douceur, de joie et de créativité.
Une très belle année à toi pleine de joie et de gaité, et pleine aussi de tes merveilles:-)
Thank you very much for this contest, I participated with pleasure!
I find your world is beautiful. I wish you a happy new year!
Bonne année à vous. Merci pour ce jeu. Je participe avec plaisir. Merci beaucoup
hello! happy new year..
i love your dolls, so cute <3
I have posted about your giveaway on Facebook (annickre..)
Happy New Year from Canada!
I would love to win one of your lovely muffinpie dolls!
bonne année ! bravo pour ces belles poupées !!!
je participe aussi pour gagner cette magnifique poupée....merci pour ce concours!
This is a really lovely generous offer. Your dolls are precious.
Hi! What a fabulous giveaway! Your designs are really unique, I love them. I have found your blog via your etsy shop. I now follow your blog via bloglovin' Thanks! Marta (martagmadera [at] hotmail dot com)
very cute doll thank you
Hello Monique and...Happy New Year!!!!!
I've got yesterday your parcel from your Giveaway...THANK YOU!!!!!!
All is soooooooo lovely!!!!!!!!!!
wel...I'm trying this one too... :O)
hellooohhh ! happy new year !
what a beautiful doll ! I'd like it so much !
fb(veronique J...)
bravo bravo
thanks a lot
Hello again Monique!
I don't have facebook but...I've blogged about this giveaway and what I've got from you in my blog and now I'm going to tweet this too!!!!
Thanks, Dany
Happy New Year!!!
I would LOVE to win one of your Muffinpies. I have been admiring them since I found your blog. They are absolutely beautiful!
I have blogged about your giveaway.
hi ! thanks for the gift !
I shared on fb http://www.facebook.com/ridesessions#!/jero69006/posts/295209143863837
hpapy new year
Happy new year to the cutiest person in the world : )
Je joue, je joue...
Je vais de ce pas mettre un lien sur ma page FB... Bizzzz
soory I forgat to add : http://www.4oda.org/
Have a wonderful new year!!
Thanks for the chance of winning such a beautiful prize ;)
Hugs from Portugal!
I've just shared this giveaway on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000564063911
And shared on my blog ;)
What magic!!!! Really?!! I am thrilled at the thought!!! Blessings to you from Rena's friend, Amy
Dearest sweet Monique, i hope you had a beautiful merry happy holiday! I am finding it a bit difficult to get back into a routine after the holidays too. Your creations are always so beautiful and they always make me smile! Have a lovely merry happy week and love to yoU!
bonne année et très beau blog
je participe aussi merci
i sooo want a muffin pie! i have been wanting one for so long! hope you had a wonderful holiday time too-
Oh I loveee your dolls.Im new here and would so enjoy one to add to my collection of porcelen ones.
All Dolls are cute,
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