After a whole month home, hubby went back to work yesterday. Every christmas, he is off for two weeks, but had to stay home another two more because of back and neck problems. He's been having back problems for many years and being a lineman for hydro doesn't help. But i must say here that during his 2 weeks holidays, he worked too hard renovating our bedroom. I told him to slow down, that he had all winter, but hubby's a pig head...And he hurt his back...again...humph...Me was mad, cause he never listen until he realizes he should have. He always tells me " i hate to say you were right. " and i reply: " i am a woman, i am always right. " Teehee ! Poor hubby, he lives in a woman's world, no guys in the house except him. Even the cat is a she. So sometimes i must let him beleive he is a fine good rooster. Awww, i am so mean...I can't help it, i love to tease him.
So.... Need i tell you the house was really quiet and empty yesterday ? I should have been happy, having the house to myself and going back to my sewing is something i was longing for. But i missed my little boy. I did nothing but roam around the house and knit. I have tons of orders to complete, there is not much time for knitting. So i must push myself to go back in my sewing room. Guess i need time to get back to my routine.
The christmas season was very nice and cozy this year. Despite hubby's desire to tear down walls, i had time to take things easy, go for walks and do some knitting. I had many lovely gifts from everyone and hubby even surprised me with a new sewing machine ! I had an old basic one and was dreaming of having something with more stitch patterns. So imagine my joy when he offered me the singer fashion mate ! 70 stitch patterns, oh my !!! I was so happy, my face was gleaming when i saw him coming to me with the the big box. It works so perfectly, so smoothly, she hums so happily compared to my oldie. Poor thing, she has been working so hard for so many years. I will send her for a good tune up and give it to young daughter Anne. I know my old machine will give her many hours of happy sewing and creating.
I hope your day is good !
10 commentaires:
I'm sorry that your husband has to deal with back and neck pains. It takes so much energy to be in pain...However it's nice that he was able to go back to work.
And lots of congratulations on your new sewing machine. What a wonderful gift to get...I know that loads and loads of beautiful things will be made at that sewing machine for sure.
Have a lovely day,
Sorry about your husband's neck and back. I have been having back problems, too but not as bad.
Congratulations on your new sewing machine. I hope you spend many fun hours with it!
Happy New year to you!
Your new sewing machine looks like she's got lots of bells and whistles! You've got such a cute blog!
I'm wishing you tons of happy singing moments behind your lovely Singer, sweet Monique. Most check your Etsy shop in a couple of weeks for a new gorgeous work, made on Mr. Singer!
Much love for a wonderful Wednesday! Bon Mercredi et beaucoup de bisous xxxx
a new machine!how fun :)
That is a SUPER machine!!! how exciting!!!
Sorry about your poor hubby!
Awwwww! So cool machine! And see how it works smootly? I love mine so much too (even if it does not has all these stitches!).
Ah and the lady just loved her doll, I was so happy to read it :-)
oohh you lucky thing, what a fab pressie! Glad to hear your hubby is better, hope he takes it a bit easier now. x
What a jewel of a sewing machine is this Singer! Look at those stitches! A wonderful present from your husband indeed! These husbands are really great :) Mine got me a sewing machine for my birthday last year too because I wanted one for so long.:D
Enjoy it and I'm looking forward to see the beauties you'll create with it! I'm still not best friends with mine, but I'm learning :)
Bonjour a tous.
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