vendredi 19 juin 2009

For the past 2 weeks, i have been so busy that blogging became almost a chore rather than a pleasant moment. I have this part time job , working from 5am to 8pm 5 days a week. Getting up that early is not always easy, ( i get up at 3:30am ) but i have been doing that for almost 7 years now. What i like about this job, is that i get home early and still have all day to create, garden, do house chores, ect.

My husband and i own a sailboat. And we met this guy who owns a sail shop. He makes sails and repairs old ones. He is an artisan, being the only one in Quebec doing his sails the way he does. His studio is small but cute, overlooking a small lake where small sailboats abound. Thing is, working all alone, he was overloaded with work and needed a helper. I was not really keen on the idea, but he was so desperate and said he needed me for 2 or 3 weeks. So i agreed to help him. I thought i would hate the job, but i find it interesting and somewhat enjoyable. He offered me to be his year round "helper ". The pay is good, i would work 2 days a week and i could quit the other job. That means no more getting up at 3:30am ! I hesitated, but then i thought it was an offer i could not refuse. All that blabbering to tell you that i did not quit the other job. I still have to get up at 3 and work the 2 jobs. It is very long and exhausting hours. I know this was only temporary, but i am neglecting my shop, my family ( i have been cooking them terrible meals for 2weeks ) and my gardening. When i got home this morning, i was so tired that i almost fell asleep when i was driving. I decided to take a day off. I called my friend to tell him i was sorry, but i had to stay home. He is very comprehensive and told me to take it easy.

So here i am, taking a moment for my friend bloggers . I missed you ! :)

I still have a hectic schedule today though, having to pack for our sailing weekend, clean up the house, do some sewing, hoping i can list a few things in my shop today and cook a GOOD meal for poor neglected unhappy hubby. Whew !

I will try and be back next week. Until then, i wish you all a happy warm and sunny weekend !

♥ love you all ♥

12 commentaires:

Ulla V. a dit…

It sure sounds like a hard time! No wonder that you are tired.
Then it's nice to take a break and take care of yourself.
Have a nice weekend and enjoy your sail trip. :0))

Unknown a dit…

Go go mom! Il faut laisser tomber ton job du matin voyons donc...ON s'appelle cette semaine si tu as une minute!

Gen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Unknown a dit…

Awww j'ai écrit le commentaire avec le compte de Ben hihi! Bon ben c'était moi voila! ^^

Grace Garton a dit…

What a beautiful boat! I miss sailing. I used to sail a 16 ft Hartley with my ex around the Derwent River her in Hobart. Loved it. And wouldn't you know it when we split up he bought himself a 25ft wooden yacht! My partner now is a land lubber and I pine away for the sea!
Have a great trip, relax breath in the sea air and enjoy!
Wish I could get work at a sail makers...but 2 jobs, phew!
Oh and I would love a little green muffin pie doll, but only when you have the time....but I better check out what new ones you put up first.
bon voyage matie!


You need to take care and look after yourself, I hope your sailing trip refreshes you

My lovely little house arrived in St. Ives yesterday and I love it. Thank you very much - it's gorgeous!

I'm having a little blog break at the moment but I would love to show everyone how beautiful it is when I come back in a few weeks and then they will go to your shop and buy some because they are so lovely!

Have a great weekend, best wishes, Carolyn

Wanda a dit…

I am glad you got a day off, and I hope you got to do some things you enjoy and not just catch up on house work etc. TTFN

Unknown a dit…

Oui c'est du chocolat! Et oui c'est moi qui ai fait la couverture :-) Elle est pas si pire hein? hihihi!

Ahama a dit…

have a look at me please :)

anna barrow a dit…

Oh I am ever so envious!
It looks so wonderful, and it sounds like a heavenly trip!
I grew up near the ocean, and my father had a yacht and a fishing boat. I suppose I must move to the ocean again soon. I miss it so much.

I hope you will have a great time and enjoy your lovely break!


Doreen Frost a dit… sure are burning your candle at both ends. Here's hoping that you will be able to find some down time soon.

LOVE the sailboat photo's..sailing is something I've always wanted to seems so beautiful and tranquil.

Have a wonderful day,

sarah a dit…

It sounds like it wouldn't be much, and in your mind you tell yourself that, "it would just be two days a week" but then you find the rest of life in disarray. I struggle with this constantly and have not yet found a good balance.
good luck!

ally pye a dit…

Hearing from others about having so much going on makes me feel like I am not alone!
just read your blog for the first time! Love your work!