The weather has been really rainy and cold for th

e past few days and i must say i feel a bit depressed. I had to push myself to work on some dolls and decided to put my energy into finishing severals of these tiny dolls that were hiding in my old armoire for a very long time. I wanted to show these 2 muffin pies to you before i put them up for sale in
my shop tomorrow. I have a couple more that needs a bit of a makeover, but i will work on them tomorrow.
Have a nice evening ladies. :)

6 commentaires:
The dolls are sooo sweet. Don't be depressed, I send You a little warm Middle-European sunshine :).
you are not alone being depressed by the weather :( cute dolls
Ahhh les ptits foulards! Super cute :-)
I am fascinated by your dolls! Could you tell me how mach does it cost in Canada?
thanks Marta for the warm sunshine. you are a sweetheart. :)
Your dolls are so sweet and lovable looking-I can tell they are filled with love. it must be hard to sell them and say goodbye. I'd send you some sunshine if I had some, but I live in Oregon and we don't get much here either!
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