mercredi 27 août 2008

Behind the mirror

Behind the mirror
Originally uploaded by mademoiselle.G
This is a drawing created by my wonderful talented daughter Genevieve who is currently studying abroad ( Brussels ). I love this one so much i could not help blogging a post about her. I urge you to pay her a litlle visit and see all the beautiful drawings she has to show you . I am so proud of her !

6 commentaires:

Ahama a dit…

Wow, what a family :)), Congratulations for your daughter.

blueberries in the fields a dit…

thanks! she has a lot of talent.
thanks again for the visit. :)

Anonyme a dit…

Wonderful and magical art! I love visiting her flickr!


blueberries in the fields a dit…

yes, she has a magical imagination. I just love the expression her "personnages " reflects and all the little details in her drawings that makes them so unique and charming. I am glad you like what she does. :)
cheers !

Unknown a dit…

Hello mam chose!
Thank you for this post, I must say that I'm quite satisfited of this one!
Miss you all! XXXXXXXXXX

blueberries in the fields a dit…

miss you too miss G.